

[6] Jackson, Margot, Haoming Song, and Ariel Kalil. 2023. “State-Level Safety Net Spending and Educational Gaps in Maternal Time with Children.” Journal of Marriage and Family. [link]

[5] Song, Haoming. 2022. “Women’s Divergent Union Transitions after Marital Dissolution in the United States.” Population Research and Policy Review.[link]

[4] Rauscher, Emily., Haoming Song. 2022. “Learning to Value Girls: Balanced Infant Sex Ratios at Higher Parental Education in the U.S. 1969-2018” Demography. [link]

[3] Lichter, Daniel., Zhenchao Qian, Haoming Song. 2021. “Gender, Union Formation, and Assortative Mating among Older Women.” Social Science Research. [link]

[2] Song, Haoming. 2021. “The unequal consequences of family structures for infant health.” Social Science Research. [link]

[1] Song, Jian, Tingting Qin, and Haoming Song. 2018. “Intergenerational effects of gender preference: Observations through desire and behavior of parents.” Population Research (in Chinese) [link] (宋健, 秦婷婷, 宋浩铭. 性别偏好的代际影响: 基于意愿和行为两种路径的观察. 人口研究. 2018;42(2):15-28. [基于宋在中国人民大学时完成的硕士论文])

Public Sociology

[1] 宋,浩铭. 2022. “学会重视女孩:教育、种族、与婴儿性别偏好”. 家殷堂, 2月7日. (严肃的人口学八卦转载) [link] Song, Haoming. 2022. “Learning to Value Girls: Education, Race, and Infant Sex Preference”. Serious Gossip on Demographic Issues, February 7. [link]

[2] 宋,浩铭. 2022. “婚外出生的宝宝更不健康码?”. 家殷堂, 2月7日. (缪斯夫人于2022年3月5日转载) [link] Song, Haoming. 2022. “Are Babies Born Out of Wedlock More Unhealthy?”. Marriage & Family Section, February 7. [link]

[3] 宋,浩铭. 2021. “学人说 | 大S、汪小菲婚变:离婚只是新起点?”. 缪斯夫人, 11月23日. [link] Song, Haoming. 2021. “Scholars Say | Big S and Xiaofei Wang’s Marriage Breakup: Divorce Is Just A New Starting Point?”. Ms. Muses, November 23. [link]
