
Why are social inequalities so persistent? How to document family diversity globally? Does marriage exacerbate gender inequality? How do parents pass social class privileges to their children? Do racial minorities face penalties in online dating? To what extent do queer people experience family lives differently from straights? Could LGBTQ+ people make family less a site of inequality reproduction? … …

Teaching (Case Western Reserve University)

2024 Fall, Graduate Level, Advanced Social Statistics
2024 Spring, Undergraduate Level, Family in the 21st Century – syllabus here.
2024 Spring, Undergraduate & Graduate Level, Social Statistics
2023 Fall, Graduate level, Population Dynamics and Changing Societiessyllabus here.

Teaching Assistant (Brown University)
2020 Spring, Undergraduate level, Introductory Statistics for Social Research
2019 Fall, Undergraduate level, Leadership in Organization
2019 Spring, Graduate level, Multivariate Statistical Methods II (Independent Lab)
2018 Fall, Graduate level, Multivariate Statistical Methods I (Independent Lab)

Teaching is central to Song’s professional identity. He is well-equipped to teach a broad range of general and specific courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels, including the topics of inequality, family, gender, & sexuality, demography, (advanced) social statistics, and research methods.

Song acquired teaching certificate at Brown. His teaching and mentoring earned high acclaims from students.

”[Haoming] filled in for Professor in a few lectures and was incredibly prepared, and gave a wonderful lecture.” — A student from SOC1060 Leadership in Organizations

“[Haoming] was a clear and effective TA, and any time I had asked him to explain a concept he was always very clear at it. His comments on the coursework were helpful in learning from mistakes” — A student from SOC1100 Introductory Statistics for Social Research
